Background image of Metro Hospitals Cikupa


Appearance of out hospital undefined Metro Hospitals Cikupa
Metro Hospitals Cikupa


Metro Hospitals Cikupa is a new form of Mulia Insani Hospital which has been established since 2009. Metro Hospitals Cikupa is a Type C general hospital which has 168 operational beds and was nationally accredited (KARS) in 2017 and received Paripurna Accreditation in 2022. As a hospital that prioritizes patient safety and Quality of Service, Metro Hospitals Cikupa has a Trauma Center service center. Currently serving patients with private payments, BPJS Kesehatan, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, private insurance and company guarantees.


Metro Hospitals Cikupa has 45 doctors who are very experts in their fields, and are ready to help you diagnose the problem you are experiencing.

dr. Scientia Senorita, Sp.P - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Scientia Senorita, Sp.P

( Sp. Pulmonology )

dr. Ivo Fitrian Canitry, SpOG - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Ivo Fitrian Canitry, SpOG

( Sp. Obstetrics and Gynecology )

dr. Ivan Virnanda Amu, SpPD, FINASIM - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Ivan Virnanda Amu, SpPD, FINASIM

( Sp. Internal Medicine )

dr. Janet Sumampouw, SpOG, M.Biomed - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Janet Sumampouw, SpOG, M.Biomed

( Sp. Obstetrics and Gynecology )

dr. Dharmadi, Sp. OT - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Dharmadi, Sp. OT

( Sp. Orthopedic & Traumatology )

dr. Dewi Mira Ratih, Sp.PD - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Dewi Mira Ratih, Sp.PD

( Sp. Internal Medicine )

dr. Jeffry, Sp.JP, FIHA - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Jeffry, Sp.JP, FIHA

( Sp. Cardiology )

dr. Martina Efata, Sp.PD - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Martina Efata, Sp.PD

( Sp. Internal Medicine )

dr. Teguh Kurniawan, Sp.OG - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Teguh Kurniawan, Sp.OG

( Sp. Obstetrics and Gynecology )



Metro Hospitals Cikupa has 4 rooms type, each designed to cater to specific needs and preferences, providing patients with a comfortable and tailored environment during their stay.


Jl. Raya Serang No.KM.16.8, Sukamulya, Kec. Cikupa, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15710


Phone: 0215962790

Marketing: +62 811-8700-715