Background image of RS Bunda Mulia


Appearance of out hospital undefined RS Bunda Mulia
RS Bunda Mulia


RS Bunda Mulia is the 8th hospital acquired by Metro Hospitals Group in March 2020. RS Bunda Mulia is a type D general hospitals which has 50 operational beds. Currently serving patients with private payments, BPJS Kesehatan, private insurance and company guarantees.


RS Bunda Mulia has 6 doctors who are very experts in their fields, and are ready to help you diagnose the problem you are experiencing.

dr. Fabrien Hein Willem Lumentut, Sp.OG - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Fabrien Hein Willem Lumentut, Sp.OG

( Sp. Obstetrics and Gynecology )

dr. Yuly, Sp.A - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Yuly, Sp.A

( Sp. Pediatric )

dr. Heraldine Mariana Kaligis, Sp.A - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Heraldine Mariana Kaligis, Sp.A

( Sp. Pediatric )

dr. Melkiandri Fanggidae, Sp.OG - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Melkiandri Fanggidae, Sp.OG

( Sp. Obstetrics and Gynecology )

dr. Harapan Michael Platini Tambunan, Sp.PD - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Harapan Michael Platini Tambunan, Sp.PD

( Sp. Internal Medicine )

dr. Regina Esterlina Rehatta, Sp.B - Metro Hospitals Group

dr. Regina Esterlina Rehatta, Sp.B

( Sp. General Surgery )



RS Bunda Mulia has 1 rooms type, each designed to cater to specific needs and preferences, providing patients with a comfortable and tailored environment during their stay.


Jl. Raya Imam Bonjol No.80, Sukadanau, Kec. Cikarang Barat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530


Phone: 0218900579

Marketing: 081314316749